Japan Duty-Free Shops: Tax-Free and Duty-Free


If you’re planning a trip to Japan, it’s beneficial to understand duty-free shopping beforehand. There are two main types of duty-free shopping: Tax-Free and Duty-Free. Both offer tax exemptions, but they have several key differences.


Tax-Free shopping is a service provided by retail stores within Japan. Foreign tourists can receive a refund of the consumption tax (also known as “value-added tax” in Japan) when they spend a certain amount. The main features of Tax-Free shopping are:

  • Applicable Places: Retail stores within Japan (department stores, electronics stores, clothing shops, etc.)
  • Applicable Tax: Consumption tax (currently 10%)
  • Purchase Threshold: Applies to purchases over 5,000 yen
  • Procedure: After making a purchase, fill out the provided documents at the store and present your passport to receive the tax refund.
  • Usage Restriction: Items cannot be used within Japan (must be taken out of the country upon departure)


Duty-Free shopping is mainly available in airport duty-free shops. You can shop in the international departure area and get tax exemptions on various items. The main features of Duty-Free shopping are:

  • Applicable Places: Duty-free shops at international airports (cosmetics, alcohol, tobacco, etc.)
  • Applicable Tax: Consumption tax and customs duty
  • Purchase Threshold: No purchase threshold
  • Procedure: Present your passport and boarding pass at the duty-free shop in the departure area.
  • Usage Restriction: Items can only be used after departure (usable upon arrival at your destination)

Differences and Similarities


  1. Applicable Locations:
    • Tax-Free: Retail stores within Japan
    • Duty-Free: Airport duty-free shops
  2. Applicable Tax:
    • Tax-Free: Consumption tax
    • Duty-Free: Consumption tax + customs duty
  3. Purchase Threshold:
    • Tax-Free: Over 5,000 yen
    • Duty-Free: No threshold
  4. Usage Restrictions:
    • Tax-Free: Cannot be used within Japan
    • Duty-Free: Usable upon arrival at your destination


  • Both are for foreign tourists.
  • Passport presentation is required.
  • Taxes are either exempted or refunded.

Which Option is More Beneficial?

The more advantageous option depends on the items you plan to purchase and the situation. For example, if you’re planning to buy expensive electronics or clothing, Tax-Free shopping might be more beneficial as you can shop around various stores in Japan and receive a consumption tax refund.

On the other hand, for items like cosmetics, alcohol, or tobacco, Duty-Free shopping is more advantageous. You can easily purchase these items at airport duty-free shops, and both consumption tax and customs duty are exempted, offering more savings.

In conclusion, it’s best to utilize both options based on your shopping needs and the items you plan to buy.


Both Tax-Free and Duty-Free options cater to foreign tourists for duty-free shopping. Tax-Free is available at retail stores within Japan, offering a consumption tax refund, while Duty-Free is available at airport duty-free shops, exempting both consumption tax and customs duty. Depending on your shopping plans, you can maximize benefits by using both options effectively.

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